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AppsAnywhere Server Specifications

Supported Hypervisors

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 R2 or later

  • VMware vSphere v6.0 or later

  • OpenNebula with KVM

To import the virtual appliance to OpenNebula KVM you will need to convert from the provided VMware OVA template.

Any other format or conversion of the AppsAnywhere appliance is not officially supported. Please contact AppsAnywhere with any further requirements.


A hypervisor will need to be configured to provide these resources, unless importing the VMware OVA template; in which case the specification will be configured automatically.


  • 4 vCPUs

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 32 GB HDD (thin provisioned)

  • Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1Gbps connection is ideal)

  • IPv4 address (IPv6 is not supported)


  • D-Series v4 or later (D4s v4, 4vCPU, 16GB RAM)

  • F-Series v2 or later (F4s v2, 4vCPU, 8GB RAM)

  • Custom managed OS disk (SSD) (500 IOPS per disk) – 32GB

Server Components

  • CentOS v7.9 b2009

  • Kernel v3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7

  • Apache v2.4.6-97.el7.centos.5

  • PHP v7.1.33-20.el7.remi

  • PHP v7.4.30-1.el7.remi

  • Microsoft SQL ODBC Driver v17.9.1.1-1

  • OpenSSL v1:1.0.2k-25.el7_9

Additional Components

Azure VHD

  • WALinuxAgent v2.5.0.2-1_ol001.el7


  • Amazon SSM Agent v3.1.1511.0-1

This build is configured by default with the following enabled/configured: 

  1. Networking and DHCP enabled by default.

  2. Unrestricted SSH access. 

  3. The setup user account is allowed SSH access. 

  4. Amazon SSM Agent installed and enabled. 

Due to the above it is advisable that a security group is linked to the EC2 instance that restricts access via SSH/22 to specific IP addresses/ranges. 

The required steps to import this OVA image within AWS can be found on Importing a VM as an image using VM Import/Export.

Any other format or conversion of the AppsAnywhere appliance is not supported.


Supported Hypervisors

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 R2 or later

  • VMware vSphere v6.0 or later

  • OpenNebula with KVM

To import the virtual appliance to OpenNebula KVM you will need to convert from the provided VMware OVA template.


A hypervisor will need to be configured to provide these resources, unless importing the VMware OVA template; in which case the specification will be configured automatically.


  • 4 vCPUs

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 32 GB HDD (thin provisioned)


  • 2 vCPUs

  • 8 GB RAM

  • Standard OS Disk

  • 32 GB Data Disk – SSD (500 IOPS per disk)

Server components

  • CentOS v7.9 b2009

  • Kernel 3.10.0-1160.81.1.el7

  • PHP CLi v7.1.33-23.el7

  • OpenSSL 1.0.2k-25.el7_9

  • Java OpenJDK v1.8.0.352.b08-2.el7_9

  • Chromium v103.0.5060.114-1.el7

  • Looker v22.20.54

Additional Components

Azure VHD

  • WALinuxAgent v2.7.3.0-1_ol001.el7


  • Amazon SSM Agent v3.2.419.0-1

This build is configured by default with the following enabled/configured: 

  1. Networking and DHCP enabled by default.

  2. Unrestricted SSH access. 

  3. The setup user account is allowed SSH access. 

  4. Amazon SSM Agent installed and enabled. 

Due to the above it is advisable that a security group is linked to the EC2 instance that restricts access via SSH/22 to specific IP addresses/ranges. 

The required steps to import this OVA image within AWS can be found on Importing a VM as an image using VM Import/Export.

Any other format or conversion of the AppsAnywhere appliance is not supported.

Supported Database servers

Please refer to Database Requirements for more information.

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