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Branding AppsAnywhere


Admins have ability to change themes, Logos and headers to personalise the AppsAnywhere environment. This can be changed to be more suited to a specific company or institution.

Branding AppsAnywhere

To navigate to the branding settings you must:

  • Log into AppsAnywhere as an admin user

  • Click on Return to Admin to access the AppsAnywhere admin portal

  • Hover over the settings menu (the cog icon found at the top right of the page)

  • Click on Branding on the dropdown menu

Choose a theme

This section will allow the user to select a theme.

Choose a colour

This option will allow the user to select a colour for their main theme. 

 Modifying the colour scheme is only available when using compatible themes.

This setting will allow the user to upload their own system logo. This logo will appear at the top of the box on the login screen, above the login form and also in the e-mails sent out by the system.

To upload an image click inside the image box or drag and drop an image. You can also remove images or revert back to default by selecting Clicking here in the text above the image box or selecting remove on the newly uploaded image at the bottom of the image box.

Try to maintain an 8:1 aspect ratio with this image and ideally with a minimum size of 350x50 to ensure it is scaled correctly, especially on mobile devices. At this time, this image must be saved in the PNG image format and we recommend using an image with a transparent background.

This setting will allow the user to upload their own header logo. This logo will appear at the top left of every page of the front-end portal and would typically be the same as or similar to the main system logo.

To upload an image click inside the image box or drag and drop an image. You can also remove images or revert back to default by selecting Clicking here in the text above the image box or selecting remove on the newly uploaded image at the bottom of the image box.

Try to maintain an 8:1 aspect ratio with this image and ideally with a minimum size of 350x50 to ensure it is scaled correctly, especially on mobile devices. At this time, this image must be saved in the PNG image format and we recommend using an image with a transparent background.

Login Background

This setting will allow the user to upload their own login background. This image will appear as the backdrop of the login page and will spans the entire height and width..

To upload an image click inside the image box or drag and drop an image. You can also remove images or revert back to default by selecting Clicking here in the text above the image box or selecting remove on the newly uploaded image at the bottom of the image box.

This image should ideally be around 1890x1060 to ensure it is large enough to display correctly across all devices. At this time, this image must be saved in the JPEG image format and we recommend keeping it below 500KB in size.

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