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Cache Settings


AppsAnywhere has the ability to cache data for users which stores information regarding applications assigned to that user, groups and machine. Additionally it also caches data for languages and delivery methods.

Viewing Cache Settings

Navigate to the Cache settings page:

  • Log into AppsAnywhere as an admin user

  • Click on Return to Admin to access the AppsAnywhere admin portal

  • Hover over the settings menu (the cog icon found at the top right of the page)

  • Click on Caching on the dropdown menu

Enable from end Caching?

This setting affects the caching of delivery method data during smart prioritisation, as well as the caching of which application are assigned to users, groups and machines. This will need to be refreshed to reflect any changes made to user settings.

Language Caching

This setting affect the caching of language data, and will need to be refreshed if new languages are added to the system. This setting cannot currently be disabled.

Jamf Pro API Caching

This setting affect the caching of Jamf Pro API data, and will need refreshing if you wish to see changes made in Jamf PRO reflected in AppsAnywhere when importing policies, e-books and MAC App Store applications. This setting cannot currently be disabled.

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