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Language Settings


The AppsAnywhere portal has been translated into a range of languages out of the box.

You can choose the default language that AppsAnywhere will use, and which languages your users are able to choose from.

Available languages

AppsAnywhere provides several translations for the portal out of the box which have been created by professional translators and have gone through an extensive review process.

As part of the set-up process you will be asked which languages you would like to make available from the following list:

  • English (UK)

  • English (US)

  • Danish

  • Catalan

  • Spanish

  • German

  • French Canadian

  • Norwegian

Please note that currently, content within the Canvas LTI app is not translated in the included languages.

Setting the default language

If you have chosen to make more than one language available to your users, you can select which one will be used by default. A user may choose to use a different language, and that that choice will take precedence.

The steps to set the default language are below:

  1. From the AppsAnywhere Admin interface, navigate to Settings > General Settings

  2. Choose the language you wish to offer as default from the Default Language dropdown

  3. Click Save

Custom languages and changes to the built in languages are not supported in AppsAnywhere

From AppsAnywhere v2.12 all supported languages are professionally translated by linguists local to the region of the language.

This is to reduce the burden and overhead for customers of having to provide their own translations with each upgrade.

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