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Defining an application


The first part to setting up an application in AppsAnywhere is adding all the application's meta data.

In AppsAnywhere, an application is a generic, top-level entity which consists only of a set of meta data that describes it. 

Create a new application

From the Manage Applications page, click the + Add button to begin adding a new application.

You will now see the application management page, which has a number of tabs that allow you to manage all the various aspects of that application. In this article, we'll focus on the first tab; the Details tab. 

Enter application details

Form Field Name


Expected Value



The name of your application

Enter the name most commonly used for the application

Word 2016


The application vendor

The name of the software vendor that produces the application



A description of the application

This is usually a summary of the application's function and main features. HTML tags are supported in this field should you wish to format the information for display in the portal.

Include any key words that people may use to search for this application to help them find it quickly.

<p>One of the most popular word processing applications, excellent for taking notes, creating documents and writing letters.</p>

<p><ul><li>Available for Windows users to install on and off-campus.</li><li>Can be launched in-browser by non-Windows users.</li></ul></p>

Expiration Date

The date on which the application expires

Usually you would enter the date on which the license that you have purchased for the application expires.


Expiration Action

The action to take on the above date when the application expires

There are four options available:

  • Never Expire - Ignore the above date, the application will not expire

  • Notify Only - This will send you an e-mail reminder before the date that your license may need renewing but users will still have access to the application

  • Expire With Notice - The system will send you an e-mail, as above, but the application will no longer be accessible to users until you update the app details

  • Expire Without Notice - Application will expire without you receiving an e-mail

Expire with notice

Given that this is commercial software, users should have no access after the specified expiration date.


The geographical locations permitted to use the application

If no values are selected, the application will be permitted in all locations.

The permissible regions will usually be defined in your license agreement with the software vendor, you should check the agreement carefully to ensure your selections comply with your license

United Kingdom

Save the application

Once you have entered all of the relevant details of the application, hit the

Save button

Providing there are no issues with the data you entered, you will then be moved along to the Delivery Methods tab.

Once the application has been saved Adding delivery methods is required.

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