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Managing Cloudpaging Settings


Once you have added a Cloudpaging Environment to AppsAnywhere, you are ready to begin deploying applications. However, there are a few things you can customize about that environment if you wish to change the default behavior. Those settings are described in this article.Changing Settings

Navigate to the Cloudpaging Settings page:
  1. Log into AppsAnywhere as an admin user

  2. Click on Return to Admin to access the AppsAnywhere admin portal

  3. On the sidebar menu, go to Settings > Cloudpaging

Here you will see all of the settings that are available to change.

Setting Name


Expected Value

Cloudpaging Environment

This represents the default Cloudpaging environment, of all those defined in AppsAnywhere. At this point, it is only used in reference to the next setting; Remote Installer License GUID.

Select your main Cloudpaging Environment from the list

Default Provision (For Generated Launch Shortcuts)

This represents the default provision when generating Cloudpaging delivery method launch shortcuts from the Shared App Lists - Request Apps API. This will not have any effect on already existing functionality for generating shortcuts in the admin.

See Generating Shortcuts for more information.

Select the provision you would like to use as the default in this scenario

Remote Installer License GUID

The Windows Install delivery method utilizes a Cloudpaging package in order to initiate the installation of applications on the end user's Windows device. In order to use the Windows Install delivery method, you will need to publish this package to one of your Cloudpaging environments.

The license GUID of the Cloudpaging package used by the Windows Install delivery method

Provider URL

The Provider URL is purely meta information which appears in the Information panel of the Cloudpaging Player when a user virtualizes an application (see image below).

This will typically be the address of your AppsAnywhere instance

The base URL from General Settings will be used as the default for this

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