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Creating a desktop


There are many considerations to be made when delivering an app to an end user. In some cases, rather than delivering just an app, it may be preferable or necessary to deliver an entire desktop environment. In this guide we explain the process for deliver desktop environments to users through AppsAnywhere.

Similarly to an app, a desktop requires some basic information, such as a name, vendor and a description. You can set up a series of delivery methods for the desktop, with OS compatibility and priority for these delivery methods configured in a similar way to Applications.

Creating a new desktop

Navigate to the desktop page

  1. From the AppsAnywhere admin, go to Desktops > Add Desktop

You will now see a page which has a number of tabs, each tab allows you to configure a different aspect of the desktop. In this article, we'll focus on the first tab; the Details tab. 

Enter desktop details

Form Field Name


Expected Value


Application name

The name of your desktop

Enter the name most commonly used for the desktop

Word 2016


The desktop vendor

The name of the software vendor that produces the desktop



A description of the desktop

This is usually a summary of the desktops function and main features. This field supports rich formatting options.

Include any key words that people may use to search for this desktop to help them find it quickly.

Expiration Date

The date on which the desktop expires

Usually you would enter the date on which the license that you have purchased for the application expires.


Expiration Action

The action to take on the above date when the desktop expires

There are four options available:

  • Never Expire - Ignore the above date, the application will not expire

  • Notify Only - This will send you an e-mail reminder before the date that your license may need renewing but users will still have access to the application

  • Expire With Notice - The system will send you an e-mail, as above, but the application will no longer be accessible to users until you update the app details

  • Expire Without Notice - Application will expire without you receiving an e-mail

Expire with notice

Given that this is commercial software, users should have no access after the specified expiration date.


The geographical locations permitted to use the desktop

If no values are selected, the application will be permitted in all locations.

The permissible regions will usually be defined in your license agreement with the software vendor, you should check the agreement carefully to ensure your selections comply with your license

United Kingdom

Save the desktop

Once you have entered all of the relevant details of the desktop, click the Save button.

Providing there are no issues with the data you entered, you will then be moved along to the Delivery Methods tab.

Once the desktop has been saved Adding delivery methods is required.

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