Editing an AppStream Environment
In case any of the details of your AppStream environment (such as the region or access key) change for any reason, you must edit the details of the environment in AppsAnywhere to ensure that the link remains active and users are still able to access their resources. You should ensure that AppsAnywhere is kept up to date with any changes that are made, as soon as possible, to avoid interruptions to your service. In this article, we'll take a look at how this is done.
Editing environment details
Start from the Manage AppStream Environments page (See Viewing AppStream Environments)
Click Edit next to the environment you want to update
This will take you a page very similar to what you saw when initially adding the connection, with all the existing details loaded into the form. For more information on the fields or AWS policy statements required, see Adding an AppStream environment.

You may also click the Delete button to delete the environment if necessary - See Deleting an AppStream Environment.