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Knowledge Hub

What is the Knowledge Hub?

The Knowledge Hub a comprehensive digital library where students can delve into an array of how-to videos at their finger tips. We hope that providing valuable resources will not only enhance students familiarity with AppsAnywhere but ultimately, improve their student experience.

View the Knowledge Hub


Self-Help Resource

Students can access a library of tutorials to troubleshoot common issues. This reduces the volume of repetitive queries directed at the IT team, enabling them to focus on more complex problems or strategic IT initiatives. Along side troubleshooting videos, students are instructed on how to create app lists and favourites, ensuring they are benefiting from all of the latest features.

Empowerment and Independence

How-to videos empower students to solve minor platform-related problems independently. This fosters a culture of self-sufficiency among students, reducing reliance on IT support.

Efficiency and Time-saving

Students can quickly find solutions through video guides, saving time for both themselves and the IT team. Instead of waiting for a technician to assist, they can answer their own queries promptly.

Training and Education

How-to videos can also serve as educational tools for students to familiarise themselves with the AppsAnywhere software.

What videos are included?

  • Welcome video

  • Favourites

  • Unavailable applications

  • User Portal Preferences

  • Request Support

  • App lists

  • Troubleshoot failed validation

How can I promote this to students?

Effectively marketing the Knowledge Hub is crucial for not only awareness and engagement but long term success. We have created 4 portal banners which you may wish to import into your AppsAnywhere portal so students can access this hub easily.

Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub banners (Spanish).zip

To learn how to upload banners, please refer to the Frontend Banner Settings documentation.

The URL to link to is as follows:

AppsAnywhere version 3.2 and beyond include a link to the knowledge hub from the help menu in the portal.

Your feedback matters

It's essential to note that this represents our initial iteration—a foundation upon which we'll continually build and refine. Your feedback will guide us in shaping future iterations, enhancing content relevance, usability, and addressing evolving student needs. We're committed to expanding this hub, integrating new tools, and amplifying its effectiveness as a go-to resource.

We welcome feedback and requests for future videos, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

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