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Adding a Parallels Environment


ApspAnywhere has the ability to link to any Parallels RAS environment in order to deliver remote resources to end users. Once you link AppsAnywhere to a new RAS environment you will then be able to reference RAS applications as delivery methods and make them available to your users. In this article, we will discover how to create a new connection to a Parallels environment.

Creating the connection

  1. Log into AppsAnywhere as an admin user

  2. Click on Return to Admin to access the admin portal

  3. On the navigation menu at the top of the page, go to Connectors > Parallels

  4. Click on the Add environment button on the top right of the page

Enter the details of your RAS environment:

Form Field Name


Expected Value



A friendly name for the connection

You can call the connection anything you want

RAS Production Environment


The fully qualified domain name for your RAS gateway server

Ideally, this should be a load balanced address that encompasses all of your available gateway servers (assuming you have more than one)


The port that your gateway service is running on

This usually depends on whether you are using a secure connection or not


Encryption Type

Indicates whether or not to use a secure connection when connecting to your gateway service

By default, gateway services are set up over a secure connection


Backup Host

The fully qualified domain name for an alternative (backup) RAS gateway server

If you are not using a load balancer, then this would most likely be the address of your backup gateway server

Connection Mode

Determines how connections are routed through RAS once they have been initialised. In Direct mode, once the gateway has brokered a connection, all remaining traffic goes direct to the session hosts.

For purely on-site deployments, this would likely be set to Direct Mode but if you are providing services off-site, it is likely that only your gateway is publically accessible and so all traffic will have to go through the gateway. AppsAnywhere also offers you the hybrid option of choosing the value depending on whether or not the user is considered on-site.

Direct (On-Site Only)

Client Alias

When deploying the Parallels client to your managed machines, you should deploy it pre-configured to work with your RAS environment so that sessions can be authenticated via SSO

The exact name of the connection that is set up in the Parallels client on your managed devices that AppsAnywhere will use to authenticate the session


Allow Client To Save Configuration

Indicates whether or not the client should be allowed to save any credentials entered by the user when a session is initiated

Usually all configuration should be managed by AppsAnywhere so this setting should only be required in special cases.

e.g. if users should not be prompted to save to the Home folder each time when launching on MacOS


Enable SSO authentication for local Parallels client

Enables and disables the SSO capabilities of the Parallels client when launching applications for this environment.

Also allows for further limiting of specific SSO methods used.

Can be enabled if there are SSO methods configured for your Parallels instance.


Save the connection

Once you have entered all of the relevant details of the connection, hit the Save button

You will then be sent back to the Viewing Parallels Environments page, where you should see your new connection and the following message: 

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