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Cloudpaging Server upgrade procedure

Cloudpaging Server upgrade procedure


This article outlines the procedure to upgrade Cloudpaging Server and the pre-requisite components installed to the latest supported versions.

  • The upgrade process may require downtime resulting in service disruption. A backup of all systems should be taken prior to making any changes.

  • Cloudpaging server must be upgraded to 9.6.0 prior to upgrading to 9.7.0.
    With the release of 9.6.0 Server, the version of Apodt OpenJDK has changed to 11 and Tomcat has changed to 9.

See Upgrading Cloudpaging Server and the Cloudpaging Server Guide for information. 


  1. Review all related documentation (Upgrading Cloudpaging Server and the Cloudpaging Server Admin Guide)

  2. Review the Cloudpaging release article and release notes in Latest Releases

  3. Schedule a maintenance window according to Upgrading Cloudpaging Server

  4. Raise a ticket with AppsAnywhere Support

    1. Requesting the installation files

    2. Check if a new license is required

    3. Provide the maintenance window so AppsAnywhere Support can be available

In line with the Support Workflow, AppsAnywhere Support needs to be aware of any change to the infrastructure. Otherwise, the support agreement may be invalidated.

Upgrade Procedure

  1. Place the installation files on the desktop of each Cloudpaging Server and extract the zip file

  2. Backup folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Numecent\Application Jukebox Server\core\webapps\jukeboxserver

  3. Ensure there is a backup of the Cloudpaging database (StreamDB)

  4. Perform functionality tests.

    1. Login to AppsAnywhere

    2. Launch more than one Cloudpaging application (E.g. Audacity)

    3. Check the Cloudpaging Player log file shows a successful connection to each online Paging server (search for "Connection Test for Remote Source")

  5. Login to the Cloudpaging Server admin portal and confirm that all online services are running showing a green tick.

  6. Connect to the first server group (1 x Admin/License server and 1 x Paging server).

  7. Stop the Cloudpaging Server Service via services.msc on server group 1.

  8. Perform functionality tests against server group 2 via load balancer

  9. Check the current version of Cloudpaging Server in Add or Remove programs

  10. Run the relevant database migration scripts from the latest Cloudpaging Server zip file downloaded. The scripts are saved in cloudpaging-server\<version>\Server-Windows\Database\upgrades and should be run against the StreamDB database using the dbjbuser SQL login.
    A successful run will show that at least one row was affected e.g.:

    • If upgrading from 9.4.621 to 9.5.1, run the web_9.4_to_9.5.sql.

    • If upgrading from 9.2.1, run the web_9.2_to_9.3.sql script, web_9.3_to_9.4.sql then web_9.4_to_9.5.sql.

  11. Open ''Add or Remove Programs'' and uninstall the old Java (AdoptOpenJDK JRE with Hotspot / Eclipse) component.

  12. Uninstall the old Apache Tomcat version. When uninstalling Apache Tomcat 8.5, a prompt will ask if all files should be removed from the Tomcat directory, click Yes.

  13. Run Application Jukebox Server.exe from the extracted cloudpaging-server\<version>\server-windows folder and click Yes to start the upgrade.

  • Cloudpaging server must be upgraded to 9.6.0 prior to upgrading to 9.7.0.
    With the release of 9.6.0 Server, the version of Apodt OpenJDK has changed to 11 and Tomcat has changed to 9.

  • Once complete, repeat the process from step 7

Do not install Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express RTM if prompted to do so

  1. Click Yes to install AdoptOpenJDK

  2. Click Yes to install Apache Tomcat

  3. Click Next

  4. Click Upgrade

  5. Click Finish

  6. Once the upgrade is complete, launch the Cloudpaging Server shortcut on the desktop to verify in the footer of the login page of the Cloudpaging Server Admin Portal, Enterprise Edition matches the version installed and Database Version is on the same build.

  7. Login to the Cloudpaging Server admin portal and confirm that all services are running, showing a green tick.

  8. Refresh services window and restart the Cloudpaging server service.

  9. Stop the Cloudpaging Server Service via services.msc on server group 2.

  10. Perform functionality tests against server group 1 via the load balanced DNS.

  11. Complete the upgrade steps on server group 2.

  12. Stop the Cloudpaging Server Service via services.msc on server group 1.

  13. Perform functionality tests against server group 2 via the load balanced DNS.

  14. Start the Cloudpaging Server Service via services.msc on all server group 1.

  15. Complete the upgrade steps on all remaining server groups.

  16. Perform functionality tests against all remaining server groups via the load balanced DNS.

  17. Start the Cloudpaging Server Service via services.msc on all server groups.

  18. Perform functionality tests via the load balanced DNS.

Providing the functionality tests are successful, the upgrade of Cloudpaging Server is complete!

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