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Adding an Embed


AppsAnywhere has the ability to link an Embed to an LMS in order to deliver AppsAnywhere applications to end users through the LMS. Once you link AppsAnywhere to an LMS your course admins will be able to link a course to an App List and allow students access to the applications in the App List.

Creating an Embed

  1. Log into AppsAnywhere as an admin user

  2. Click on Return to Admin to access the AppsAnywhere admin portal

  3. On the navigation menu on the left of the page, select Connectors and then Embeds

  4. Click on the + Add embed button

Enter the details of your Embed:

Form Field Name


Expected Value



The name to be displayed in both AppsAnywhere and the LMS.

In Canvas, this will also be the label of the course navigation button added to the menu.

You can call the application anything you want, this will be displayed in the LMS.

AppsAnywhere Apps

Embed type

The LMS you are connecting to AppsAnywhere

Currently only Blackboard and Canvas are supported.

Custom Embeds can be used for more bespoke systems.

The same LMS as the one you are intending to connect with.


Select connection to authorize against

The LDAP connection or SAML SSO method the users of the application will be authorized with.

Users accessing the Embed within the LMS will be automatically logged into AppsAnywhere; the connection selected here will be used to find the associated directory account.

For Blackboard, the usernames will have to match the LDAP directory records.

For Canvas, the account information used to perform this lookup will be taken from the user's SIS ID in the LMS.

The connection which includes users intended to use the application.

This will be a list of all the LDAP connections and SAML SSO methods that have been added to the system.

Campus Directory

Save the application

Once you have entered all of the relevant details of the application, hit the 

Save button

You will then be sent back to the Viewing Embeds  page, where you should see your new application and the following message: 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.