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Deleting an application or desktop

  1. When deleting Cloudpaged apps, it is important to follow all steps in order to avoid errors. If the appset (.stp) is removed from the repository before removing it via the AppsAnywhere and Cloudpaging Server, a support call will be required to resolve the resulting error.

  2. Be careful not to load up the "New Virtualized Application" option or click the new application "Refresh" button in AppsAnywhere while you are in the process of removing Cloudpaged applications. This will upload any applications in the repository waiting to be uploaded, which may include the one you are trying to remove.

Deleting an application

To delete an application in AppsAnywhere:

  1. From the AppsAnywhere Admin, go to Applications > Applications

  2. Use the search box in the top right of the table to quickly find the application you wish to delete

  3. Click Delete next to that application

    • This also removes all associated sessions and delivery methods for the application 

Deleting Cloudpaging Delivery methods

If the application had a Cloudpaging delivery method, delete the appset from Cloudpaging Server once all of the delivery methods have been removed from AppsAnywhere.

Ensure that all Cloudpaging Delivery Methods are no longer required in AppsAnywhere before deleting or requesting them to be deleted in Cloudpaging Server.

Deleting the application in Cloudpaging Server will delete any associated Cloudpaging Delivery Methods in AppsAnywhere (licenses in Cloudpaging Server).

AppsAnywhere Cloud

  1. Send a list of .stp file names (e.g. Filezilla_3-24-0_32bit_x64_NLR_English_rel1.stp) that need to be removed to AppsAnywhere Support.
    The AppsAnywhere team will

    1. Check if any Cloudpaging Delivery Methods are linked.

    2. Delete the application in Cloudpaging Server.

  2. Backup the .stp file in the repository

  3. Remove the .stp file from the repository (see Managing resources in AppsAnywhere Cloud Storage)

On-Premises Deployments

Cloudpaging v9.4 and above

  1. Navigate to Cloudpaging Server (e.g.

  2. Click Deployments > Applications

  3. Select the application

  4. Check there are no License Policies (Cloudpaging Delivery Methods) linked

  5. Click Delete

  6. Backup the .stp file in the repository

  7. Remove the .stp file from the repository

Cloudpaging prior to v9.4

  1. Navigate to your Cloudpaging Server

  2. Click Applications > Applications

  3. Select the application to be removed

  4. Check there are no License Policies (Cloudpaging Delivery Methods) linked

  5. Click Publish/Unpublish

  6. Select all the paging servers

  7. Click Unpublish

  8. Select the same application again and click Delete

  9. Backup the .stp file in the repository

  10. Remove the .stp file from the repository

Deleting a desktop

To delete a desktop in AppsAnywhere:

  1. From the AppsAnywhere Admin, go to Desktops > Desktop

  2. Use the search box in the top right of the table to quickly find the desktop you wish to delete

  3. Click Delete next to that desktop

    • This also removes all associated sessions and delivery methods for the desktop

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